Books & Book Chapters


  • Leading the Family Business through Succession: How Different Generations Create Value Together, Kogan Page, 2024.
  • Preventing Corporate Governance Failure, Haupt, 2020.
  • Succession for Change: Strategic transitions in family and founder-led businesses, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
    Succession For Change book coverDate Published: 2017
    eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-52120-6
    Hardback ISBN: 978-3-319-52119-0
    purchase: Palgrave Macmillan
    “Succession for change” reframes the question of succession in family and founder-lead businesses as an issue of entrepreneurial choice, concentrating on the challenge of succession for change as opposed to the traditional focus on succession for continuity.
    It is inevitable that when the leaders of family and founder-lead businesses look to pass on the mantle they naturally want to preserve and maintain the firm they have worked so hard for so long to build up. The shaping influence of family or founder, and the instinctive emotional desire for legacy easily sways succession towards continuity rather than the possibly radical development the business may need to meet new challenges.
  • Strong Managers, Strong Owners: Corporate Governance and Strategy, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013 (With P.-Y. Gomez).
    Strong Managers, Strong Owners book coverDate Published: November 2013
    format: Hardback
    isbn: 9781107044203
    purchase: Cambridge University Press
    The family firm preparing generational change, the partnership that welcomes new partners, and the shareholders of a firm that chooses to go public are making decisions that will have an impact on strategy and management. Conversely, a change in strategy such as a move to diversify or a decision to take on more risk in a business can make the firm more attractive to some shareholders and less attractive to others and is therefore not ownership neutral. Opening the black box of agency theory, Korine and Gomez show how management and ownership interact to shape the strategy of the firm. In their view, the critical question to ask is not what is the best strategy, but rather, who is the strategy for? With numerous detailed examples, Strong Managers, Strong Owners is an invaluable resource for company owners, board members and executives, as well as their advisors in strategy and governance.
  • L’entreprise dans la démocratie: Une théorie politique du gouvernement des entreprises, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: De Boeck Université, 2009 (With P.-Y. Gomez).
    Editeur: De Boeck (19 février 2009)Collection: Ouvertures économiques
    Langue: Français
    ISBN-10: 2804159892
    ISBN-13: 978-2804159894
    L’entreprise dans la démocratie est la version en langue française d’un ouvrage paru en 2008 chez Cambridge University Press. Bien plus qu’une traduction, il s’agit d’une nouvelle version augmentée et remaniée dont le lecteur francophone peut bénéficier. Proposant une impressionnante synthèse politique, historique et économique, le livre explique comment l’entreprise capitaliste et la société démocratique libérale se construisent mutuellement, pour le meilleur ou pour le pire. Ce livre est destiné autant aux chercheurs qu’aux citoyens qui désirent comprendre en profondeur pourquoi et comment les entreprises jouent un rôle politique fondamental dans la société libérale. Il est particulièrement recommandé pour les étudiants en sciences politiques, en économie et en management qui se spécialisent dans le gouvernement des entreprises.
  • Entrepreneurs and Democracy: A Political Theory of Corporate Governance, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2008 (With P.-Y. Gomez).
    Entrepeneurs and Democracy book coverPublisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (June 2, 2008)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 0521856388
    ISBN-13: 978-0521856386
    Description: What legitimizes power within a corporation? This question is of concern to the millions of citizens whose lives depend upon the fate of business corporations. The rules, institutions and practices of corporate governance define the limits of the power to direct, and determine under what conditions this power is acceptable. Effective corporate governance has long been defined in terms of economic performance. More recent studies have focused on philosophical, political and historical analyses. Entrepreneurs and Democracy unites these strands of inquiry – the legitimacy of power, the evolution of multiple forms of governance and the economics of performance – and proposes a framework for future study. It explores the opposing tensions of entrepreneurial force and social fragmentation that form the basis of legitimate corporate governance in modern societies. In doing so, it identifies a common logic that links both the democratization of corporate governance and the growth of economic performance.Review: ‘This is a most timely analysis of the conceptual basis for corporate governance. Focusing on the historical development of shareholder primacy, the book provides a superb platform for understanding the coming era of Sovereign Wealth and it is just in time. Informed citizens will need the learning in this book in order to understand how political states will fit into the economic world on a base beneficial to both. The ideal of democratization of economic values, following de Tocqueville, is a perilous voyage for which this book is a fine route map. Everyone can benefit from understanding the underlying precepts of tomorrow’s dialogue.’
    Robert A.G. Monks, Founder of ISS, the Corporate Library, the LENS Fund and Governance for Owners; author of Corporate Governance (with Nell Minow)‘Thanks to financial globalization, corporate governance has become a central topic on the minds of scholars in a variety of academic disciplines. Historians and legal scholars focus on the evolution of corporate governance institutions across diverse national contexts; political philosophers are oriented to questions of the legitimacy of corporate power; and economists analyse the economic performance consequences of different forms of corporate governance. Yet cross-disciplinary discussion is lamentably rare. In Entrepreneurs and Democracy, Gomez and Korine provide a unifying framework to enable interdisciplinary discussion rooted in a classic liberal model of political governance.’ 
    Jerry Davis, Wilbur K. Pierpont Collegiate Professor of Management, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan

    ‘If one benchmark for management and organization theory should be that it is relevant to practice and realistic in its assessment of it, then corporate governance must be judged a failure. On its watch the inability to pick empirical trends were legion, with Enron only being the most notable. Restricted theories, such as principal-agency theory, together with an excessive focus on performance and a merely ceremonial attention to legitimacy, together with the institutional specificities of comparative cases, entailed that economistic theory prevailed and the essential politics of governance and the processes of governmentality were under-specified. No more! Gomez and Korine have written a book that should rescue corporate governance from its ideologies and failures, restoring concern with governance where it belongs – as centrally located in classical political questions, by reconnecting issues of the political legitimacy of power in the corporation, the historical evolution of corporate governance forms, with questions of economic performance.’
    Stewart Clegg, Research Professor and Director of the Centre of Management and Organization Studies, University of Technology, Sydney

  • The Leap to Globalization: Creating Value from Business Without Borders, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002 (With P.-Y. Gomez).
    The Leap to Globalization book cover
    ISBN: (PDF):9780787965242
    Author(s): Korine, Harry & Gomez, Pierre-Yves
    Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
    Publication year: 2002
    Description: Whereas previous research concentrated on articulating what global strategies look like in large multinational companies with decades of experience in operations abroad, The Leap to Globalization focuses on how globalizing is realized over time in companies that start from a narrow geographic base. Three characteristics differentiate globalizing as observed in current practice from simple international expansion. First, globalization implies a redefinition of customer value; second, globalizing is an entrepreneurial process that transforms the company; and third, speed plays an essential role in globalization.From the back cover: Regardless of industry or size, today more and more companies face the globalization decision. With technological advances and market opening proceeding apace, and with globally oriented competitors taking aim at the last bastions of local dominance, globalization is at the top of the executive agenda of many companies that have historically considered their markets local or regional. Now, even start–ups and high–quality specialists, as well as formerly local monopolies like telecommunications companies and utilities, urgently need to develop a strategy for business without borders.

    Whereas previous research concentrated on articulating what global strategies look like in large multinational companies with decades of experience in operations abroad, The Leap to Globalization focuses on how globalizing is realized over time in companies that start from a narrow geographic base. Three characteristics differentiate globalizing as observed in current practice from simple international expansion. First, globalization implies a redefinition of customer value; second, globalizing is an entrepreneurial process that transforms the company; and third, speed plays an essential role in globalization.

    Drawing on four years of field research covering twenty–two companies from sixteen industrial sectors, the authors –– both renowned experts in the field of strategic management –– provide a framework for managing the globalizing process. They show how companies can create new value from globalization by effectively marketing products, services, and competences anywhere, regardless of national borders. The analysis of both successful and unsuccessful cases reveals models of best practice in taking strategic action, building organizational competences, and adapting to changing risks. Concrete examples provide points of reference for achieving speed in globalizing without compromising sustainability.

Book Chapters

  • “Board-Management Collaboration: The Case of an NGO”, in Hilb, M. (ed.) New Living Cases on Corporate Governance, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2021.
  • “Why don’t more investor representatives sit on the boards of publicly-traded companies?” in Gomez, P.-Y., & Moore, R. (eds.) Board Members and Management Consultants, Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press, 2009.
  • “The Importance of the Agreement Formation Process in Partnering with the Unfamiliar: The Case of Renault and Nissan”, Stahl, G.K., & Mendenhall, M.E. (eds.) Managing Culture and Human Resources in Mergers and Acquisitions, , Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, (With K.Asakawa, P.-Y. Gomez), 2005.
  • “Alliance Stratégique et Construction de la Confiance : Le Cas Renault-Nissan” , in Thuderoz, C., & Mangematin, V. (eds.) Les mondes de confiance, Paris: CNRS Editions, (With P.-Y. Gomez, O. Masclef), 2004.